

# 日记

# React-router 的 <Route /> 的三个渲染方法的问题


The recommended method of rendering something with a <Route> is to use children elements, as shown above. There are, however, a few other methods you can use to render something with a <Route> . These are provided mostly for supporting apps that were built with earlier versions of the router before hooks were introduced.

You should use only one of these props on a given <Route> . See their explanations below to understand the differences between them.

<Route /> 有三个渲染方法:

  • component
  • render
  • children


react-Router的使用及原理讲解和实现react-Router - segmentfault (opens new window) React router的Route中component和render属性的使用 - 简书 (opens new window)

Last Updated: 10/23/2021, 4:31:30 PM